Battle for the excitement, for the challenge...and for the victory! In the Pokémon Trading Card Game: HS—Triumphant expansion, you'll find what you need to put triumph within your reach. Dialga and Palkia combine as an incredible Pokémon LEGEND. Machamp, Gengar, and a half-dozen other powerful Pokémon appear for the first time as Pokémon Prime Cards. New Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards-plus a new Special Energy card-give you new strategies and deck ideas. The only thing missing is a Trainer who battles to win...and that's you!
With more than 100 cards, the brand-new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion is perfect for beginner and intermediate Pokémon TCG players of all ages! Packaged with a holographic treatment, two theme decks—each including one guaranteed foil card—will arrive in stores nationwide on November 3, 2010!
Features of the new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion:
With more than 100 cards, the brand-new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion is perfect for beginner and intermediate Pokémon TCG players of all ages! Packaged with a holographic treatment, two theme decks—each including one guaranteed foil card—will arrive in stores nationwide on November 3, 2010!
Features of the new Pokémon TCG: HS—Triumphant expansion:
- Legendary Pokémon come back in pairs as LEGEND cards—Dialga & Palkia and Darkrai & Cresselia!
- Amazing new Pokémon Prime cards that include Celebi, Machamp, and Gengar!
- New theme decks, Verdant Frost and Royal Guard that let players send shivers down their opponents' spines while unleashing devastating attacks with incredibly powerful Pokémon!
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